I’ve worked on a COUNTRY GRADING RUBRIC: (Per country’s capital) completely from scratch. I am planning to start traveling and, over time, create a list of countries that I grade. I will be grading based on three criteria.
Full level – Complete grading from all the factors that I could think of.
Residency level – Grading the most important stuff if you wanted to live there.
Business level – The most vital aspects if you want to start your own business, or perhaps work there.
10 Points | 8-9 Points | 6-7 Points | 4-5 Points | 2-3 Points | 0-1 Points | |
Economy (Not applicable for vacation countries) | The country’s economy is highly developed. High production, distribution, and trades, and consumption of goods and services. | The country’s economy is well developed. Adequate production, distribution, and trades, and consumption of goods and services. | The country’s economy is moderately developed. Moderate production, distribution, and trades, and consumption of goods and services. | The country’s economy is weakly developed. Low production, distribution, and trades, and consumption of goods and services. | The country’s economy is minimally developed. Minimal production, distribution, and trades, and consumption of goods and services. | The country’s economy is non developed at all. No production, distribution, and trades, and consumption of goods and services. |
GDP / GDP (per Capita) / GDP (PPP) (Not applicable for vacation countries) | The country has a high production level, and the GDP overall is considered high, with a healthy growth rate. | The country has adequate level of production, and the GDP overall is considered adequate with a healthy growth rate. | The country has a moderate production level, and the GDP overall is considered moderate, with a moderate growth rate. | The country has a steady production level, and the GDP overall is considered average with a steady growth rate. | The country has minimal level of production, and the GDP overall is considered low, with a decreasing growth rate. | The country has lthe lowestproduction, level and the GDP overall is considered extremely low with a non-improving growth rate. |
Tax Rates / IRS / Income tax / State Tax | The country is considered to be a tax haven. Rates can go from zero to 5%. | The country is considered to be a tax haven. Rates can go from 6% – 10%. | The country has relevant tax rates. Rates whooping from 11% – 20%. | The country has considerable tax rates. Rates whooping from 21% – 30%. | The country has high tax rates. Rates ranging from 31 – 45%. | The country is considered to be a tax hazard. Rates that are above 46% and can go up to 57%. |
Income Wages (Not applicable for vacation countries) | The country’s average salary is extremely higher than other countries. Average salaries above $7,000. | The country’s average salary is high compared to other countries. Average salaries ranging from $5000 – $7000. | The country’s average salary is intermediate compared to other countries. Average salaries ranging from $3000-$5000. | The country’s average salary is low compared to other countries. Average salaries ranging from $1500 – $3000. | The country’s average salary is poor compared to other countries. Average salaries ranging from $500 – $1500. | The country’s average salary is lowest compared to other countries. Average salaries ranging from $37 – $500. |
Safety | The country has extremely rare potential for terrorist acts, number of internal and external violent conflicts, homicides, and political instability. | The country has rare potential for terrorist acts, number of internal and external violent conflicts, homicides and political instability. | The country has a minimum potential for terrorist acts, number of internal and external violent conflicts, homicides and political instability. | The country has moderate potential for terrorist acts, number of internal and external violent conflicts, homicides and political instability. | The country has high potential for terrorist acts, number of internal and external violent conflicts, homicides and political instability. | The country is very hostile. Significantly high chance of terrorism acts, violence, murdering, and other related crimes. |
Corruption (Not applicable for vacation countries) | The country has extremely low or zero levels of corruption. 82 – 100. | The country has very low levels of corruption. 71 – 81. | The country has low levels of corruption. 55 – 70. | The country has moderate levels of corruption. 35 – 69. | The country has high levels of corruption. 31 – 34. | The country is infested with toxic corruption and negativity. 10 – 30. |
Real Estate Prices | The country’s average real estate prices are extremely higher than other countries. Price for two-bed flat: above $500,000. | The country’s average real estate prices are high compared to other countries. Price for two-bed flat: $300,000 – $500,000. | The country’s average real estate prices are moderate compared to other countries. Average salaries ranging from $200,000 – $300,000. | The country’s average real estate prices are low compared to other countries. Average salaries ranging from $120,000 – $200,000. | The country’s average real estate prices are very low compared to other countries. Average salaries ranging from $75,000 – $120,000. | The country’s average real estate prices are extremely low compared to other countries. Average salaries ranging from $30,000 – $75,000. |
ROI (Real estate) | The county’s real estate rental yield is superficial which is above 6.5%. | The county’s real estate rental yield is excellent which ranges from 5.0% – 6.4%. | The county’s real estate rental yield is adequate which ranges from 4.5% – 4.9%. | The county’s real estate rental yield is moderate which ranges from 4.0% – $4.4. | The county’s real estate rental yield is irrelevant, which ranges from 3.5% – 3.9% | The county’s real estate rental yield is very poor. Ranges that are below 3.0%. |
Unemployment Rate (Not applicable for vacation countries) | Extremely low unemployment rate. Below 5%. | Very low unemployment rate. Ranges from 6% – 10%. | Intermediate unemployment rate. Ranges from 11% – 20%. | High unemployment rate. Ranges from 21% – 25% | Very high unemployment rate. Ranges from 26% – 30%. | Extremely high unemployment rate. Rates that are above 31%. |
English Language | Nearly all of the country’s population speaks English. | The majority of the country’s population speaks English. | Half of the country’s population speaks English. | Less than half of the country’s population speaks English. | Very few of the country’s population speaks English. | Almost no one speaks the English language in the country. |
Competence of People (Not applicable for vacation countries) | The average of the country’s native people is highly competent with their fields of study. | The average of the country’s native people is well qualified with their fields of study. | The average of the country’s native people is qualified with their fields of study. | The average of the country’s native people is somewhat qualified with their fields of study. | The average of the country’s native people is incompetent with their fields of study. | The average of the country’s native people is uneducated at all. |
Cost of Living | A meal in a local restaurant will cost around $1 – $2, intermediate level rent runs from $250 – $600 per month. | A meal in a local restaurant will cost around $2 – $3, intermediate level rent runs from $400 – $800 per month. | A meal in a local restaurant will cost around $3 – $6, intermediate level rent runs from $600 – $1,000 per month. | A meal in a local restaurant will cost around $4 – $6, intermediate level rent runs from $1000 – $1,500 per month. | A meal in a local restaurant will cost above $6, intermediate level rent runs from $1500 – $2,000 per month. | A meal in a local restaurant will cost above $6, intermediate level rent runs above $2,000 per month. |
Wealth of People (Not applicable for vacation countries) | Most of the country’s population are wealthy. 8 / 10 | The majority of the country’s population are wealthy. 6 / 10 | Half of the country’s population are wealthy. 5 / 10 | Few of the country’s population are wealthy. 4 / 10 | Very few of the country’s population are wealthy. 3/ 10 | Almost all of the country’s people are very poor. 2 / 10 |
Quality of Life | The quality of life with average wealth you will be living is grand majestic. | The quality of life with average wealth you will be living is luxurious. | The quality of life with average wealth you will be living is fancy. | The quality of life with average wealth you will be living is moderate. | The quality of life with average wealth you will be living is uncomfortable. | The quality of life with average wealth you will be living is poverty. |
Government Processing Ease (Average paper type) (Not applicable for vacation countries) | It is very soothing and effortless to do any paperwork, and it can be completed in the same day or two. | It is semi-effortless to do any paperwork, and it takes a day or two to complete the process. | It is plain and simple to do any paperwork, takes 2 – 3 days to complete the process. | It is inconvenient to do any paperwork, takes 3 – 4 days to complete the process. | It is very inconvenient to do any paperwork, takes 4 – 7 days to complete the process. | It is a disaster to do any paperwork, takes more than a week to finish the process. |
Free Speech (Not applicable for vacation countries) | You are completely free to express yourself in manners of religion, politics, and opinion. | You are free to express yourself in manners of religion, politics, and opinion, but with minor precautions. | You are able to express yourself in manners of religion, politics, and opinion, but in moderate precautions. | You are somewhat able to express yourself in manners of religion, politics, and opinion, but in high precautions. | You are not able to express yourself in manners of religion, politics, and opinion. It can drive you into deep troubles. | Speaking in religion, politics could get you permanently in jail or murdered. |
Technology (Not applicable for vacation countries) | The country is superficial with technology. They use and have all the latest technology equipment’s. | The country is highly advanced with technology. They use and have all the latest technology equipment’s. | The country is advanced and improving with technology. They are adapting to use and have all the latest technology equipment’s. | The country has moderate technology. It is used in some of the fields. | The country has underdeveloped technology. It is rarely used in the fields. | The country does not use technology in everything. |
Population Size (Not applicable for vacation countries) | The country’s population size is between zero to 30 million. | The country’s population size is between 30 – 100 million. | The country’s population size is between 100 – 300 million. | The country’s population size is between 300 – 500 million. | The country’s population size is between 500 – 900 million. | The country’s population size is above one billion. |
Country Size: Per drive hours. (Not applicable for vacation countries) | The maximum drive hours to reach a certain place is above 48. | The maximum drive hours to reach a certain place is between 24 – 48. | The maximum drive hours to reach a certain place is between 13– 23. | The maximum drive hours to reach a certain place is between 7 – 12. | The maximum drive hours to reach a certain place is between 3 – 6. | The maximum drive hours to reach a certain place is below 3. |
People (Good %) | The country’s average people are very kind, affectionate, helpful, and joyful. Over 85% | The country’s average people are kind, helpful, and joyful. 70% – 84%. | The country’s average people are moderately kind, helpful, and joyful. 45% – 69%. | The country’s average people are rarely kind, helpful, and joyful. 25% – 44%. | The country’s average people are short-tempered, aggressive, and dictators. 6% – 24% | The country’s average people are far from civilization. Below 5%. |
Concentration of People per Sq. Km of Land Area | The country’s capital areas are perfectly balanced in concentration per km2. | The country’s capital areas are well balanced in concentration per km2. | The country’s capital areas are a bit overcrowded or under crowded in concentration per km2. | The country’s capital areas are overcrowded or under crowded in concentration per km2. | The country’s capital areas are highly overcrowded or under crowded, and not comfortable. Concentration per km2. | The country’s capital areas are extremely overcrowded or under crowded, and not comfortable at all. Concentration per km2. |
Architecture Modernity (Not applicable for vacation countries) | The country’s general architecture is highly modern, creative, and well maintained. | The country’s general architecture is modern, creative, and maintained. | The country’s general architecture is moderately modern and getting maintenance every while. | The country’s general architecture is minimally modern and getting maintenance every few years. | The country’s general architecture is not modern and is not maintained when required. | The country’s general architecture is not modern at all and is never maintained. |
Nature | The country’s nature is perfect, extremely clean, superficial, charming, and perfectly preserved. | The country’s nature is excellent, very clean, superficial, charming, and well preserved. | The country’s nature is moderate, clean, somewhat attracting. | The country’s nature is very low, and not that attractive. | The country has almost no attractive nature at all. | N/A – Does not exist. |
Weather | The country’s average weather is mild. It is lightly hot in summer, and lightly cold in the winter. The weather seasons is good at all times. | The country’s average weather is mild. It is moderately hot in summer, and moderately cold in the winter. | The country’s average weather is unpredictable. It is hot in summer, and cold in the winter. | The country’s average weather is either very cold or very hot depending on the season. | The country’s average weather is either very cold or very hot except a few months. | The country’s average weather is either extremely cold or extremely hot at all times. |
Religion Racism (Not applicable for vacation countries) | The country’s average people can live with each other no matter what their religion is. | The country’s average people are rarely racist towards certain religions sometimes. | The country’s average people are moderately racist towards certain religions sometimes. | The country’s average people are racist towards certain religions most of the time. | The country’s average people very racist towards certain religions at all times. | Following a certain religion could get you murdered or big troubles. |
Number of Franchises | The country has almost all of the private franchise’s companies. | The country has the majority of the private franchise’s companies. | The country has moderate amount of the private franchise’s companies. | The country has low amount of the private franchise’s companies. | The country has very low of the private franchise’s companies. | The country has no private franchises companies. |
Arab Population (Non-Arab countries) | The country has a very high Arab population. | The country has a high Arab population. | The country has a moderate Arab population. | The country has a few Arab population. | The country has a very few Arab population. | The country is close to no Arab population. |
Street Beggars (Not applicable for vacation countries) | It is semi impossible to see a street beggar. | It is highly uncertain to see a street beggar. | It is possible to see a beggar at least once a day. | You can see few beggars at least once a day. | You see many beggars every day. | There are a lot of beggars, and you can see them everywhere. |
Roads & Transport (Traffic applies) (Not applicable for vacation countries) | Roads are perfectly clear with modern design, very low traffic, a lot of alternative transportations. | Roads are clear with modern design, very low traffic, several alternative transportations. | Few inconvenient roads bumps and holes. Moderate traffic, few alternative transportations. | Several inconvenient roads bumps and holes. Moderate traffic, few alternative transportations. | Many inconvenient roads bumps and holes. High traffic, very few alternative transportations. | Unsafe roads. Very high traffic, no alternative transportations. |
History & Antique (Not applicable for vacation countries) | The country has extremely a lot of historical antiques and events. | The country has a lot of historical antiques and events. | The country adequate historical antiques and events. | The country has a few of historical antiques and events. | The country has a very few of historical antiques and events. | The country is having no historical antiques and events, or in extremely low numbers. |
Airport (Not applicable for vacation countries) | The country’s airport has tons of shops, very creative, lots of entertainment and huge. | The country’s airport has tons of shops, creative, lots of entertainment and big. | The country’s airport has moderate amount of shops, somewhat creative, few entertainments and moderately big. | The country’s airport has several shops, very few or no entertainments and intermediate in size. | The country’s airport has minimal amount of shops, very few entertainments and small in size. | The country’s airport has no shops, no entertainments and small in size. |
Tourism & Attractions: | The country is magical and superficial in its broad magnificent tourism activities and iconic attractions. There are a lot of contemporary facilities and attractions. | The country is fantastic in its broad tourism activities and iconic attractions. There are some contemporary facilities and attractions. | The country is interesting in its tourism activities and iconic attractions. There are very few contemporary facilities and attractions. | The country is moderately interesting in its tourism activities and attractions. Not sufficient contemporary facilities and attractions. | The country is having insufficient tourism activities and no iconic attractions. | The country is isolated, incoherent, and not touristy in any means. |
Country’s Name 1# Full Level: Note: This is based on a personal opinion on the country, points are according to the rubrics.
Variables: |
Max Possible Points: |
Points Earned: |
Economy |
10 |
10 |
Tax Rates |
10 |
Income Wages |
10 |
Safety |
10 |
Corruption |
10 |
Real Estate Prices |
10 |
10 |
Unemployment Rate |
10 |
English Language |
10 |
Competence of People |
10 |
Cost of Living |
10 |
Wealth of People |
10 |
Quality of Life |
10 |
Government Processing Ease |
10 |
Free Speech |
10 |
Technology |
10 |
Population |
10 |
Country Size |
10 |
People |
10 |
Concentration of People |
10 |
Architecture Modernity |
10 |
Nature |
10 |
Weather |
10 |
Religion Racism |
10 |
Number of Franchises |
10 |
Simplicity |
10 |
Arab Population |
10 |
Street Beggars |
10 |
Roads & Transport |
10 |
History & Antique |
10 |
Airport |
10 |
Tourism & Attractions |
10 |
Total Score: |
0 / 330 |
Final Score: |
0 / 10 |
Country’s Name 2# Residency Level: Note: This is based on a personal opinion on the country, points are according to the rubrics.
Variables: |
Max Possible Points: |
Points Earned: |
Economy |
10 |
10 |
Tax Rates |
10 |
Income Wages |
10 |
Safety |
10 |
Corruption |
10 |
Real Estate Prices |
10 |
10 |
Unemployment Rate |
10 |
English Language |
10 |
Competence of People |
10 |
Cost of Living |
10 |
Wealth of People |
10 |
Quality of Life |
10 |
Government Processing Ease |
10 |
Technology |
10 |
Population |
10 |
People |
10 |
Nature |
10 |
Weather |
10 |
Religion Racism |
10 |
Number of Franchises |
10 |
Simplicity |
10 |
Total Score: |
0 / 230 |
Final Score: |
0 / 10 |
Country’s Name 3# Business Level: Note: This is based on a personal opinion on the country, points are according to the rubrics.
Variables: |
Max Possible Points: |
Points Earned: |
Economy |
10 |
10 |
Tax Rates |
10 |
Income Wages |
10 |
Safety |
10 |
Corruption |
10 |
Real Estate Prices |
10 |
10 |
Unemployment Rate |
10 |
English Language |
10 |
Competence of People |
10 |
Cost of Living |
10 |
Wealth of People |
10 |
Quality of Life |
10 |
Government Processing Ease |
10 |
Technology |
10 |
Religion Racism |
10 |
Number of Franchises |
10 |
Total Score: |
0 / 180 |
Final Score: |
0 / 10 |
References that helped me brainstorm, research, and gather some information.
Here is a list of variables on which a country’s capital is rated: Economy, Corruption, GDP, Nature, Wealth of People, Street Beggars, Religion Racism, People, Cost of Living, Income Wages, Free Speech, Safety, Government Processing, Countries Religion %, Real Estate Prices, ROI, Streets, English Language, Country Size, Technology, Population Concentration, Unemployment Rate, Quality of Life, Competence of the people, Number of Restaurants, Simplicity, Arab Population, Weather.